Saturday, 7 May 2016

10 Mind Bl0wing Reas0n to D@te F@t G1rl


To the men – Dating a f@t g1rl may not fall under your qu1ntessent1al n0ti0n of ‘ach1evement.’ But who made sk1nny g1rls queens of the w0rld anyway! And to both sides! But there is an undeniable stigma attached to d@ting a f@t g1rl – like they can be ‘00dles’ of fun to p1ck for a n1ght but never w0rthy of being 0n y0ur arm 0n a date or intr0duced to y0ur friends, much less grace wedd1ng pictures! So for those of you who are t00 ashamed 0f dating a f@t g1rl, maybe this will help 0pen those l0cked tr@shc@ns a bit:
1. An easy Hi Ever felt y0ur thr0at dry up at the th0ught of walking up to the ultra-h0t y0ga bab"e at the counter? Well, y0u will never have that problem w1th them. They will greet y0u with a smile and perhaps, be m0re f0rthc0ming with the digits to dial. Just don’t be a cr33p and invite them to kick you in the shins. That ‘Hi’ will hurt and h0w! Else, it’s pretty d@rned easy, you see.They are wearing a smile all the fre@kin’ time.

2. G00dbye calorie counting Whether you are eyeing the p0t r0ast or want a dr@ft beer,they aren’t counting calories –not even y0urs. S0, y0u can d1g into as many sumptu0us dishes as y0ur heart craves, and 0n t0p 0f it, they will give y0u c0mpany. Also, they know all the best places t0 eat, with0ut burning a h0le in the p0cket. N0w that’s a plus– y0u see

 3. The adventure’s 0n With a f@t g1rl by y0ur side, y0u will never hav to w0rry ab0ut any 0f th0se 0utdoorsy stuff on your t0-d0 list before y0u hit 30. She is an adrenaline junkie and will never say n0 t0 any adventure – c0z hey, she isn’t w0rried about breaking her heel and twisting that ankle. She will strap 0n th0se running shoes and will be sprinting by y0ur side. Gasping a li’l – but still there!

 4. W0rk0ut buddies and m0re A f@t g1rl is aware 0f the importance of being;f1t. S0 she brings in the f@t = f1t equation in her l1fe by making up for all the h0gging in the w0rk0ut department. She w0n’t even say n0 t0 juice cleanses 0nce a week. So, if y0u’d been wanting t0 h0p 0nto that treadmill f0r days or do th0se crunches, v0ila, y0u g0t a w0rk0ut buddy, matey!.

 5. The way t0 a man’s he@rt is thr0ugh his st0mach And f@t g1rls kn0w th1s ohh-so well. They can have that ohh-s0-s*xy strut ab0ut the kitchenwhile s0me really yummy dishes get spread 0ut on the table. Butter your l0af? Sure, she’ll d0 that Maybe m0re!

 6. Refill? Sure. Never ever d0 y0u have t0 w0rry about 0rdering th0se c0cktails, m@rgaritas 0r any 0ther dr1nk that Sk1nny Marg 0rders. A f@t g1rl is g0ing t0 s1t with y0u, d0wning pitchers of beer like a Bro Plus, s1nce she d0esn’t starve herself either, she can h0ld the b00ze too!

 7. N0t a d@msel 1n d1stress Pressure? Bring it 0n, they say. Unl1ke del1cate darlas who need y0u t0 ‘pr0tect’ them, they are tough c00kies wh0 d0 n0t snap in two in the face of difficulty. Sure, they have there m0ments where they cry help – but m0re 0ften than n0t,they will d0 it just t0 massage that male eg0 0f y0urs!
8. They will r1p-y0ur-p@nts with laughter and more Ever walked ab0ut with y0ur b00tilicious bab"e arm-1n-arm at the supermarket? N0ticed the number 0f fleshr0ckets wanting to dr1ll what y0u g0t? N0w, n0w, are y0u gr1nn1ng? Plus, m0st of them have a r1b-cracking sense of humor – s0 they are sure spl1tting th0se flies w1de 0pen – 0ne way or the other.

 9. C'u'ddly-sn'u'ggly There’s a reason bab"y g0t back g0t s0 fam0us."You see m0re cushin’ f0r the pushin’ is always welc0me. Especially during those l0ng, ch1lly w1ntry n1ghts when everyth1ng is n1ppy. All y0u g0tta d0 is sn-u'ggle up with them– and ooh –warmth… and maybe whatever c0mes next, naturally!

 10. And ooh – the s*x And of c0urse, there’s n0 b0nes about it –y0ur b0ne’s g0nna get s0me meat and h0w. First of all, amazing he@ds!
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