Tuesday 15 September 2015

These Exercises Are Dangerous and Not Too Effective

We all want a great body and we are all trying to do some physical workout in order to complete that. Healthy food combined with hard exercise is the match of heaven if you plan to transform your body in a short time, but you should know that there are certain workouts that are useless and you are wasting your strength on.

1Triceps Bench Dip

This exercise focus on building strength in the triceps, of course. In actuality this exercise puts unnecessary stress on the shoulders. It is not a natural position for the arms to be in. Instead just do regular dips. They are safer and work out the entire arm and not just the triceps. Another alternative to tricep bench dips is the triangle push-up. It targets not only the triceps, but also engages muscles in your chest, shoulders and core.
Triceps Bench Dip

Pull Ups

On top of being one of the hardest exercises to do, pull ups can be dangerous, because of the position the body is in. To start a pull up, you must begin from a dead hang then pull all of your body weight up. This puts stress on the shoulders leading to rotary cuff tears. Try doing inverted rows. They’re like pull ups just on an angle. This way there is less strain on the shoulder and this helps strengthen the back.
Pull Ups

Leg Press

The leg press is just simply unrealistic. When are you ever in this particular position in your daily activities? Throwing hundreds of pounds on top of your legs can have a real negative effect on your knees. The leg press only works on the hamstring and quads. Clockwork Lunges work out all the muscles in your leg and you don’t need weight or a machine to do them.

Roman Chair Sit Ups

Taking a classic exercise and making it more difficult is not always beneficial for your muscles. For this exercise you start in an elevated position and lower your upper body to a position leaving it suspended in the air. This puts a great amount of pressure on the hips and can hurt your back if you got to low.Try bent over cable crossovers. This exercise works on the same muscles as the chest fly without the risk of injured joint. If you can’t make it to the gym, traditional sit ups are the best alternative.
Roman Chair Sit Ups

Round Back Deadlift

Round back deadlift just sounds like anexercise that should not be done. People who do this exercise are looking for a tighter butt, but they end up with lower back injuries. The weight pulling on your arms also can cause severe shoulder injuries. Squats can help with the gluteal muscles with out the weights. Just make sure you don’t go to low during squats, as to avoid other joint problems.
Round Back Deadlift

Superman Back Extensions

Superman back extensions are a sure way to hurt your back for good.This exercise requires you to lay flat on your stomach and lift your arms and legs off the ground using the muscles in your back. You can only move a few inches which does nothing to develop muscle. The position strains your spine often causing chronic pain. There are really no benefits to this exercise, so delete it out of your repetoire, even though your Pilates, Yoga or Fitness trainer would suggest that you do it.
Superman Back Extensions

Wall Sits

Wall sits provide little to no aesthetic, performance, or health related benefits. Your knees take a lot of the pressure. There is no need to sit on a wall in every day life so why do it in your work out routine? Instead try goblet box squats. Grab a low sitting stool and a dumbbell. With the dumbbell in hand squat until your butt touched the stool, hold that position without actually sitting for a few seconds then stand back up. Also, you can try the slightly simpler version, pressing a Pilates ball between your back and the wall.
Wall Sits

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