Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Kris Jenner wears black, shiny top that looks like a garbage bag

KRIS Jenner is under a lot of pressure lately. As a busy momager, she has a lot on her plate. We get it.
And on top of her regular duties, she now has to compete with Caitlyn Jenner in the style stakes.
It’s not easy. Caitlyn has killer stems and knows how to rock a sequined mini.
So feeling the heat, Kris is trying anything.
In recent weeks she’s borrowed outfits from both Kim and Justin Bieber’s wardrobe.
And now she’s going through an experimental faze which includes fashioning basic items from around the house into tops.
We’re sure if you flipped this top inside out and looked at the designer tag it would say “Glad”.
Glad now has a fashion line.
Glad now has a fashion line. Source: Splash News Australia
Available in the cleaning aisle.
Available in the cleaning aisle. Source: Splash News Australia
Crafty. Source: Splash News Australia

Kris has been jetting around with Kendall this week and also decided to give camo a try. But not just any camo. Camo with bright feature splotches.
A touch of glam for the gal on the go. Perfect for when you need to army roll through the security check.
By the looks of it, Kendall was not impressed. She covered her face and hoped to God she blended in to her mum’s outfit.

Kendall wasn’t having a bar of the camo.
Kendall wasn’t having a bar of the camo. Source: Splash News Australia

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