Thursday 14 April 2016

These 6 Natural Nightcaps Will Send You Off to the Land of Nod

If you've been having trouble falling or staying asleep, it may be time to consider a nightcap. Skip the alcohol and try an herbal tea, sleep-specific drink, or even chocolate milk (say what?!). And these suggestions are coming from experience — I've had some sleep issues in the past, and I've tried these six drinks before bedtime with much sleepy-time success to report back on. For example: two nights prior to my first half marathon, I couldn't sleep at ALL. When the eve of the race came, I knew I'd have to step up my game: I grabbed a NeuroSleep and Yogi Bedtime tea. Before I knew it, the stress was melting away, and I was fast asleep, with enough rest for my 4 a.m. wakeup call. The components in these herbal- or mineral-based drinks all have the same goal in mind: getting you to relax and sleep soundly. Here's are some ingredients to look for (all of which can be found in the following drink roundup!). Valerian root is known to mitigate anxiety and has sedative qualities L-theanine releases dopamine, and has a stress-reducing effect that helps you fall asleep more easily Melatonin is the natural hormone created by your body that helps you fall asleep Magnesium is an antistress, anti-anxiety mineral, and reduces cramping, allowing you to comfortably nod off Vitamin B complex positively affects mood, while relaxing the mind and body Chamomile acts as a mild sedative, calming you for a peaceful slumber.


NeuroSleep was the first sleepy-time drink I ever tried, and I swore it was made of horse tranquilizer and THC, becuase I had half of one of these and became unconscious/presumably dead instantly. Turns out I was a little off about the ingredient list, but it has definitely proven its efficacy in my time of need.
Yogi Bedtime Tea

This tea is one of my favorite nighttime blends. Yogi brings chamomile, skullcap, California poppy, and L-theanine together for an effectively soothing tea.
Celestial Seasons Sleepy-Time Tea

This is the OG of sleepy teas. Just looking at the sleeping bear on the box makes me feel drowsy.

Ovaltine Chocolate Malt

 When mixed with milk, this is a tryptophan powerhouse. Ovaltine malt mix (and any malt beverage in general) has a ton of tryptophan, and so does milk; combine this with magnesium from chocolate, and it's a perfect pre-bedtime treat. It'll release serotonin, reduce muscle cramping, and help you relax.

iChill Liquid Sleep Aid

You drink iChill like you'd drink a shot of NyQuil, except in this case, it's not a drug. With a potent blend of herbal sleepy-time remedies, this is a quick fix for sleeplessness.

Coconut Water

You'll definitely feel hydrated after falling asleep with some coconut water in your system. Potassium and magnesium work together to alleviate cramping and help you feel comfortable and relaxed, and ready for bed.

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