Thursday 7 April 2016

Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

What Works? What Doesn't? woman checking teeth

 You think your smile could use a pick-me-up, but you don't want to invest the time or money for in-office treatments. You're not sold on drugstore gels or strips either. Some natural, at-home remedies are safe and can whiten your teeth. Find out what your best bets are, and which to not bother with
 Brushing and Flossing
man flossing his teeth
 Good oral hygiene is a tried-and-true method for keeping your smile looking its best. Toothpastes gently buff out stains from the surface of your teeth. Whitening toothpastes work the same way with more ingredients; they don't bleach your teeth. Flossing gets rid of food and bacteria that could harden into plaque, which makes your teeth look dull and darker.  

Oil Pulling
coconut oil
This technique is popular in Ayurvedic medicine. You swish a tablespoon of oil (such as sesame, coconut, or olive oil) around in your mouth for up to 20 minutes to "pull out" bacteria. A recent study found that using coconut oil could prevent tooth decay, but there's no science to support it leaving a sparkle.  

Baking Soda
jar of baking soda
Besides helping batter rise, it's also a mild abrasive that scrubs away stains. You could try using a DIY paste of baking soda, but you'll probably get better results by switching to a toothpaste with sodium bicarbonate. Studies show brushing with products that have baking soda will work on surface stains over time.  

Apples, Pineapples, Strawberries
woman eating apple
  Malic acid in apples boosts saliva to wash away acids. Toothpastes with bromelain, a compound in pineapple, help whiten teeth. But there's no evidence that eating these fruits will make your grin gleam. Skip the strawberries, too. A study in Operative Dentistry found that brushing with a mixture of them and baking soda had no whitening effects. Even worse, the citric acid in strawberries can break down enamel, the outer shell of your tooth.  

Hydrogen Peroxide
pouring hydrogen peroxide
  It's the bleaching agent found in most home whitening kits. It actually changes a tooth's color. One study found that painting an over-the-counter gel with 6% hydrogen peroxide on teeth made a noticeable difference after 2 weeks. The inexpensive bottles of liquid you can buy in a drugstore usually have a lower percentage. And the American Dental Association says swishing will probably irritate your gums before it whitens your teeth.
Apple Cider Vinegar
apple cider vinegar
Gargle before you brush to help kill bacteria and remove stains, they say. You'll get a whiter smile, they say. Sorry, no studies confirm these claims. While it can brighten the taste of your salad dressing, don't expect apple cider vinegar to brighten your teeth.

ground and whole turmeric
  The warm, bitter spice that's known for flavoring curry is also a natural dye that can turn white fabric a bright gold. Supposedly, turmeric paste can turn dingy teeth back to pearly white. Hold the mustard, though. There's no solid research to back this up.  

Watch What You Eat
cup of black coffee
  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Foods including dark berries and drinks such as coffee, red wine, and soda are known offenders, but you don't have to give them up. Enjoy these in moderation, and rinse with water right afterward so there's less chance they'll affect your teeth. (Wait 30 minutes before brushing to protect the enamel.) Smoking and chewing tobacco can also cause stains, which is another reason to quit.

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