In case you were sleeping, we rounded up the latest news and updates about getting a good night sleep in this week’s news cycle. And this week the best news came from you. These four personal stories published around the Web show that sleep troubles are real and they are stigmatized, but you can do something about it.
Let us know in the comments: What did you read and love this week?
1. “I had the sleep habits of a colicky infant… I cried like a baby as well.”
ing the graveyard shift taught me about sleep,” Washington Post staffer Sarah Kaplan, illustrates the agonizing realities of trying to sleep during the day and work at night.
“When I finally did nod off, it was at midnight, at my desk, my cheek stuck to the pages of my notebook,” she wrote.
2. “Why is not getting enough sleep considered cool?”
San Diego State University student Jessica Beeli laments that not getting enough sleep is increasingly becoming a norm for college students. It’s straight up unhealthy, and she wants to change the norm.
“Sleep deprivation is cool in the way that not doing homework or not studying is cool. … Sleep really is cool,” “Please stop bragging about not getting enough sleep. Instead brag about much sleep you got.”
3. “In the name of getting more done during the day, I’m going to try to get more done with my sleep.”
The reason entrepreneur William Vanderbloemen decided to get better sleep wasn’tnecessarily because it helps prevent weight gain, cancer susceptibility, heart disease, or early death.
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