Thursday, 31 March 2016

What A Wicked World: Day-old baby recovered alive from pit toilet

A new born baby who was dumped inside a pit toilet by its mother was lucky to be rescued alive. A one-day-old baby boy was recovered from a pit toilet where it was thrown into shortly after its birth by the mother. According to a Facebook user, the discovery was made possible after a resident of the compound went to the toilet to defecate early in the morning, only to be confronted with cries of the baby inside the toilet. The woman raised an alarm, drawing other residents and some men among them quickly mobilised and volunteered to go into the toilet and bring out the baby covered in faeces.
After it was washed, it turned out to be a very healthy infant and was taken to the community health care center from where it was treated and handed over a motherless babies home. The little infant after he was rescued Photo Credit: Facebook

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