Saturday 5 September 2015

These foods are healthy for you but not for your babies

When your baby hits about six months old, that’s the time you begin to add solid food to your baby’s diet. You might end up going to the supermarket and stock up on the healthiest food you can think of and add it to your baby’s food; but, don’t go for those food packets yet. You have to consider a lot of things before you end up giving anything edible to your children.
Healthy living is definitely something that parents immediately look at when they start feeding their babies. The things is, there are certain food out there that might be healthy for you but not for your little ones. As an adult, your body metabolism is quite different from your kids. Your children have a more delicate stomach than yours and there are certain food out there that your children— especially your baby— cannot bring down or even digest at least not yet. No matter how healthy a mom or dad you are, your diet might not work well with your kids. You might want to consider giving your child a separate plate with something more that they can stomach.


Believe it or not, honey can be toxic to babies. Honey may be one of the healthiest natural products around giving you multiple benefits and such benefits include: anti-oxidants; anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties; immunity boosters; and, many more. The reality with honey is that even if it is a highly nutritious food for adults, it does not pose the same benefits for babies. Children under four especially babies under one year old may get horrible consequences when taking in honey. Honey causes infant botulism to babies. Botulism is a form of food poisoning caused by a bacterium called botulinum.

Soft Mould Cheese

Cheese is a good source of calcium, potassium and protein but what I bet you didn’t know is that some cheeses cannot be given to little children. Brie, Camembert and cheeses with white soft mould may give you benefits especially in digestion. For children, however, these cheeses can be extremely dangerous. Babies’ stomachs cannot handle mold — even though these molds are healthy — in their food. Babies may end up having listeria infection that is dangerous of babies under the age of one and even pregnant women. Listeria infection attacks a person’s immunity system — I bet, you wouldn’t want your children to be infected
Soft Mould Cheese


Typical crackers may be thought to be healthy for kids. Sometimes, you’d end up grabbing a couple of crackers as a snack for your children when they’re seemingly urging to want to chew on something. Crackers aren’t entirely healthy for kids, though. For adults, saltine crackers provide certain vitamins and nutrients. It is also a snack alternative that helps you calm your acidic stomach. For kids, though, saltine crackers contain more salt than they can handle in a bite. Giving saltine crackers as a common snack for kids is definitely not a healthy alternative. You might end up giving your kid UTI (Urinary Track Infection) or worse if you don’t control those crackers.


Breakfast cereals

Cereals are incredibly beneficial to most people. It’s the snack that we’ve been used to eating since we can remember. Once our babies start popping their teeth, we end up giving those melt-in-the-mouth breakfast cereals. Much like crackers, cereals contain more than the required amount of sugar babies should be taking in. You may be giving your kids that healthy whole grain cereal every time but you may not realize that it’s packed with processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Besides giving your babies with breakfast cereals you might be giving your babies an extremely early start with that sweet tooth.
Breakfast cereals

Marlin and certain seafood

Seafood is rich in omega-3 that you’d want your kids to have. It gives your children that learning boost and behavioral advancement. There are certain seafood out there that poses danger to your kid’s health. Once your baby starts to get those baby teeth and can handle solid food, you should be careful with the type of fish you’re getting from the market.
Marlin, Shark, King mackerel and more are some of the mercury-rich seafood. Pregnant women should also be careful of these seafood. Mercury slowly poisons our bodies but as adults, we can handle mercury in little amounts. No matter how little the amount of mercury is, children’s stomachs absorbs it and goes directly to the bloodstream.
Marlin and certain seafood


Green tea, black tea, ginseng tea and more! Tea is very beneficial to the health. It’s not a secret to everybody that tea has caffeine content. Although we control the amount of tea our babies will be having in addition to their milk, tea also has another threat. Tea has a component called, Tannin. Tannin is a substance in tea that prevents our little one’s body to absorb iron. Adult metabolism can handle tannin well unless, of course, if we take too much of it. Tannin in tea is a good source of anti-oxidants for adults. In fact, it is what makes tea a good facial pack in the evening.
Although tea is not toxic to our babies, it has chemicals in it that can alter a child’s behavior, especially caffeine. Babies cannot handle caffeine well and may cause side- effects especially in their sleeping pattern.

Pre-made baby food

Thinking that pre-mashed potatoes or squash or bananas on those bottles in the baby’s section are healthy is quite a misguided thought. No matter how healthy the food is inside those jugs, the fact that those bottles are packed with preservatives and artificial flavoring is always a danger to our kid’s health. Babies should be given the utmost attention with regard to health.
Pre-made baby food still contains significant amounts of preservatives, food coloring or enhancers and artificial flavoring. All of these are chemicals that can never provide our children with good health. Better manually mash those tates than making your kid suffer in the long run.
Pre-made baby food

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