Tuesday 28 July 2015

Khloe Kardashian bares booty on Complex cover

DON’T mess with any of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, or Khloé is going to come after you.
“I am a lion and these are my cubs,” the reality star recently told Complex magazine.
“Don’t fu*k with my cubs ‘cause I will rip your head off.”
And while she’ll come to the defence of any of her sisters at a moment’s notice, the 31-year-old is especially protective of her youngest sibling, Kylie Jenner.
“Kylie might be 17, but from what Kylie has been through and the life she lives, she’s not a normal 17-year-old,” she said of her half-sister.
Nowhere was Khloé’s love for her sister more clear than earlier this year, when she was involved in a nasty Twitter back-and-forth with Amber Rose, the ex of sisterKim Kardashian’s husband, Kanye West, over comments about Jenner’s relationship with rapper Tyga, the father of the model’s friend Blac Chyna’s son.

Khloe Kardashian

What really bothered the reality star was Rose calling out the eight-year gap between the two lovebirds.
“I think at 16 I was probably fu*king someone that was in their 20s, for sure. I wouldn’t say I was even dating, probably just sleeping with them. But again Kylie is not a normal 17-year-old,” Khloé told the magazine.
As she points out, her sister, while still a couple weeks from legal adulthood, is not moving at the same speed as the average teen who just graduated from high school.
“Kylie is taking business meetings and bought her first house, or she’s going on a private plane with Karl Lagerfeld to take a meeting,” she continued. “That’s not even what people do in their 30s. It’s a rare circumstance, so let’s treat this as a special case.”

Khloe Kardashian

Khloé also addressed her sister’s much-scrutinised lips — something Blac Chyna has been keen to pick on.
“Sometimes things bother her. When it comes to her lips, I knew it was one of her biggest insecurities,” the said. “She used to always take pictures covering her mouth. I didn’t even know when she first did her lips. It wasn’t noticeable, then it started getting bigger and bigger.”
According to Khloé, it’s not that different from when she was 18 and wanted to get breast implants.
“I went to a consultation when I was 18 and my dad found out and got so mad at me,” she said. “He died shortly after, and I remember just being like, ‘Well, he doesn’t want me to do it.’ I wear push-up bras anyway. I’m all for stuff if it’s for you. If you want to get plastic surgery, I’m for that, but getting your lips filled in, that’s temporary, too.”

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