Friday 31 July 2015

Idol winner faces drug driving charge

FORMER Australian Idol winner Kate DeAraugo admitted to police she “smoked and ate ice” the night before she was pulled over and caught driving under the influence of drugs. The admission was included in a statement of police facts tendered to the court following DeAraugo’s guilty plea and conviction in court this morning.
The former winner of Australian Idol was pulled over in Flinders St, Surry Hills in NSW on March 8 this year, and tested positive to methylamphetamine. She returned a negative result on an alcohol test.
Kate DeAraugo entering the Downing Centre in Sydney today to face drug driving charges. P
Kate DeAraugo arriving at the Downing Centre this morning. Picture: John Grainger Source: News Corp Australia
Ms DeAraugo, 29, has been convicted for driving under the influence of drugs and fined $330 with a magistrate saying the conviction would be recorded “to deter you and anyone else”.
Her lawyer asked for a conviction not to be recorded due to the “effect it could have on her career”.
“She has the opportunity to work overseas,” the lawyer said.
He told the court his client had been “reckless” and the drug had been detected in her system “the following day”.
Deputy chief Magistrate Jane Mottley noted DeAraugo didn’t have a great driving record in her native Victoria, where she is now living with her family.
“There is something going on in your personal life to cause you to use illicit drugs,” Ms Mottley said. “There is no evidence of what you are doing to address that.”
Kate DeAraugo (left) with fellow Australian Idol finalists Lee Harding and Emily Williams
Kate DeAraugo (left) with fellow Australian Idol finalists Lee Harding and Emily Williams in 2005. DeAraugo won the competition. Source: News Limited

DeAraugo has also been banned from driving for six months.
Ms DeAraugo’s manager Dave Wilkins said the charge was “unfortunate”.
“Unfortunately, Kate has been suffering from addiction for quite a long time and right now she has relapsed and it is really unfortunate after all the hard work she has done to get herself back on track,” Wilkins said.
“We are going to be helping her as her family and her management all the way through to get to the conclusion of this and get her healthy.”
Ms DeAraugo won Australian Idol in 2005 and was later signed to Sony

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