Tuesday 28 July 2015

Australia Is Legalizing The Usage Of Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is quickly spreading across the entire world as more and more governments and legislatures find out how well it can be for those in need. Australia is the next country set to legalize the usage of the plant in a medicinal capacity, despite warnings about a regulatory nightmare, reports The Sydney Morning Herald.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale, the Regulator of Medical Cannabis Bill, will ensure the Australian government is completely responsible for the production and distribution of medical marijuana. The bill was introduced last year in November and was brought to a committee in February. The recommendations are set to be delivered in August.
Everyone who is against the bill in Australia believes it will be a massive problem to regulate and will clash with the Therapeutic Goods Act. However, the Health Department is merely voicing their concerns because they are worried about losing control over the production and regulation of the drug.
Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, stated last year that he supports the drug: “I have no problem with the medical use of cannabis just as I have no problem with the medical use of opiates.” More than likely the bill will pass, regardless of any opposition from other departments.

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