One of my favorite writers of all time, Paulo Coelho, once penned the following words: “When we least expect it, life sends us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point pretending that nothing has happend or in saying that we are not ready yet. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.”
It is the way we handle and accept our challenges that makes all the difference in the world. Do you find yourself in a moment of weakness? Are you scared as to what the future has to offer?
When faced with a challenge, I always find it helpful to find some quiet time for prayer/meditation. Within that space, I find that I can regain my breath and regain a health perspective. It provides me the strength I need to stare my greatest challenges in the eye.
I dare you to find some quiet time today, tomorrow, and everyday think deeply about the following five words:
1. Love
Secondly, consider the love you have for others. The love you have for them gives you a deeper sense of purpose and should fill your heart with joy. And finally, give yourself a huge hug. You are loved by God and the universe. Don’t let anyone or any circumstance convince you of anything different.
2. Purpose
You were put on this earth for a purpose. Your uniqueness can help transform your corner of the world. Give thanks for your purpose, take an inventory of what you need to do to make an impact, and the go for it.Pay attention to the challenges you are currently facing and look for meaning in them. Could it be that you are being asked to find your true purpose? Sometimes we need to lose everything (or most things) to transform our lives.
3. Now
All we have is NOW — this very moment. Quit fretting about the future and lamenting the past. One day when you’re old and gray, you’ll wish you had the ability to freeze time and enjoy your health, the beauty of nature, and the wonder of friendship and love. Be here now.4. Forgive
There are very few things more ugly than resentment and anger. If you can’t forgive, the mind and body become rigid and miserable. Your hatred becomes a cancer that affects every part of your being.“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins,” reads Matthew 6:14-15.
This is a very powerful verse that we often don’t pay attention to. If you can’t forgive others, it is very likely you will never find peace. Dare yourself to let things go! Free yourself from the baggage you’ve been carrying with you for far too long.
5. Child
Search deep within your being to find your inner-child. Once upon a time, you were a youngster with dreams and vision. Maybe you believed that anything was possible!Regain your playfulness and have some fun! Where did we ever get the idea that we have to be so serious and give up the things that make our heart soar!
Final Thoughts
This moment (which you can never have back) is yours. What will you do with it? Will you let your past continue to dictate your thoughts and actions, or will you be open to the new opportunities that surround you.Open your eyes wide and you will see that LOVE surrounds you — you have a definite PURPOSE — NOW you can do great things — it’s time to FORGIVE yourself and others — and regain the CHILD that lives within your soul. Joy will be yours!
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