Friday 16 December 2016

How Ultimate Cycler Works

How Ultimate Cycler Works

Get 4 users or members to register using your referral link and get paid #50,000 as soon as you get them.
Refer two users or members and get paid #50,000 in one week.
Register with #12,500 and get paid after 2weeks without referring anyone.
On ultimate cycler each participant is going to paid even if they don’t refer anyone. The only important of referring is for users who wants to get their #50,000 quickly.
Ultimate cycler is one of the trending networking platforms in Nigeria. This is a mutual community that operates online which requires members to render help to other members

Ultimate Cycler

Lots of users have been asking various question about the ultimate cycler platform. This is a networking platform where a user can register with #12,500 and get #50,000 in return. This is how the networking platform works.

How Ultimate Cycler Works

Get 4 users or members to register using your referral link and get paid #50,000 as soon as you get them.
Refer two users or members and get paid #50,000 in one week.
Register with #12,500 and get paid after 2weeks without referring anyone.
On ultimate cycler each participant is going to paid even if they don’t refer anyone. The only important of referring is for users who wants to get their #50,000 quickly.

If you don’t want to participate in the referral program the system will automatically put 4 new members under you. These members will pay #12,500 as their registration fee to you into your bank account you entered at the point of registration.

Registering under someone doesn’t mean you have to make payment to the person. Ultimately cycler platform has to decide who you make payment to. You can sign up for an account by visiting the official web portal by clicking here using your web browser

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